The First Day
Today the Critical Theory lab started the workshop with quick self introductions and then began an analysis of the camp topic. Instead of approaching the resolution from a broad spectrum, Dr. Robinson and Ms. De La Cruz centered the discussion around the basic idea of equality. Students first gave reasons about why equality is valuable and then were asked to defend the converse. Next, the instructors questioned why equality was necessary for the government to function in terms of providing healthcare. Danielle and Travis were vibrantly active in the discussion and contributed on almost every issue. After a brief lunch break, reading group and a lecture, the lab returned to create a word list that would help with researching. Dr. Robinson then demonstrated how to search a term using the database Lexis Nexis. The lab was particularly impressed with how easy researching could be and how much information a mere ten minute search could return. Following another lecture and dinner, the entire camp saw a staff practice debate and returned to lab to discuss their opinion. Overall, the Critical Theory lab brought enthusiasm to the first day.
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