July 4th
Far from fireworks, the Critical Theory lab spent the first half of the day in logic and casing lectures. Following a lunch break, the students attended their reading groups and then recommenced with Dr. Robinson and Ms. De La Cruz. Today, the lab started with a discussion of the word “citizen” within the resolution. Students questioned whether non-citizens should receive state healthcare or not. Edward made several excellent comments linking today’s discussion to yesterday’s topic of equality. On an interesting side note, Edward lost a race back to the dorm last night against counselor Katherine Thompson. Returning to the conversation at hand, Dr. Scott Robinson cautioned against narrowing the debate to minute specific issues. Ms. De La Cruz agreed, but stressed that although some assumptions of the resolution seem intuitive, it is still important to question them. The lab then verbalized their personal backlash against non-topical arguments and the rest of the designated time was centered on discussing unique positions and how to handle them in round. This led Dr. Robinson to nominate “Sockie the Foot Health” puppet as the lab mascot. Lastly, the campers attempted to write a collective case. The students ended the day with an ice-cream social and then some relaxing free time.
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