The Due Date
Campers spent most of today traveling through various lectures and researching. A panic seemed to sweep over students due to the 6:30 deadline for cases. Luckily, the staff was carefully positioned throughout the library to answer any questions or concerns. After dinner, the lab met to discuss today’s research. Laura De La Cruz brought lollypops to make up for Katherine’s selfishness yesterday. She was also extremely generous and brought several JStor articles for students to card. Following the distribution of the articles, Edward and Khurram valiantly volunteered to participate in a practice debate. The lab then spent some time discussing the practice round in terms of argumentation and style. Finally, the Critical Theory lab broke into two groups. Ms. De La Cruz led one group to the computer lab and Dr. Robinson led another to the library. Hopefully, the students found today productive or at least enjoyed the lollypops.
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